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Achieve your dreams, when I first heard it I laughed in my head and thought dreams what dreams those are dead and buried. But then I began to wonder what it would be like to dream those dreams again. What made those dreams die? Where had I gone wrong? Would I ever have that life that I desired? I had refused to allow myself to dream because of the loss of not having it hurt too badly!
Then I attended a company meeting where John Ruble spoke about Achieving Your Dreams and how he had changed his way of thinking and now he was experiencing and receiving all of his goals and dreams.
The thoughts again raced in. I wanted to dream again, I wanted to feel alive, and I wanted to achieve great things and be proud of myself and have my children be proud of me too. But, life had seemingly handed me disappointment after disappointment how could changing my way of thinking change any of this? I needed to hear more about this.
I began by listening to lesson 1 of Thinking into Results it made sense, it made me think, it made me want to learn more. Each lesson seemed to make my brain expand and my thoughts re-arrange. Sounds crazy but I began to think more internally and examine myself with a different microscope. I needed to learn more because I liked this change I was experiencing.
Oh, but wait we hit a lesson regarding a knowing-doing gap. That was the one that I felt like I couldn’t face. Too many things and thoughts blocked my way. I knew what I wanted but the doing part was something I just couldn’t face. John in his kind soft voice would coach us through each lesson. When we would hit a roadblock he would give other ways to look at that roadblock. I remember one lesson breaking down in tears because the knowing what I needed to do and the actual act of doing what I needed to was something I didn’t think I could do. John worked with us week after week until I could finally little by little get closer to the doing part of the gap.
Finally, John’s coaching was making sense and I felt more confident in my decisions and in myself in general. I made a decision to start taking care of myself and to better communicate with my spouse, my employer, and my children. Each step along the way John was there to help and guide as well as provide a different perspective on situations. The internal growth has spilled over externally and my life, my job, my relationships are beginning to line up with my dreams that I thought were dead and buried. I don’t think I would be where I am emotionally, mentally, and/or physically if John and his coaching to Achieve Your Dreams had not been as effective as they are.
Don’t hesitate, you really can Achieve Your Dreams and John is there to help you along the journey.
Joanna P.
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